Verilux 灯

Verilux Lamps

Verilux lamps provide users with full spectrum light inside their homes. These lamps are used to promote feelings of well-being, relaxation, and to increase energy. With a wide variety of lamp choices, users can experience the benefits of light therapy without needing to go outside.

What is full spectrum light?

Light that is full spectrum is light that covers the entire color spectrum from infrared to ultraviolet. The most abundant source of this light found in the natural world is the sun. The sun's spectrum has been used and documented in therapy for thousands of years. Verilux lamps also provide this natural light, making them useful for light therapy.

Do Verilux products emit UV light?

All Verilux lights are made to be free from harmful UV rays. While they do emit the full light spectrum, they do not emit the UV rays on the upper end of the spectrum. By using light boxes for therapy instead of the sun, you decrease your risk of exposure to these harmful rays.

What is light therapy?

Light therapy is a form of natural treatment used for seasonal affective disorder and other psychological conditions. Researchers believe that therapy lamps affect brain neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. Due to these effects, it is an effective natural treatment for sleep disorders, winter blues, and depression. It also helps to increase energy and focus. Because the natural full spectrum is not available from the sun in a variety of locations, a therapy lamp may be used as a substitute.

How long does light therapy take to work?

The length of treatment will vary based on the strength of the lamp. Typically, a light box delivering 10,000 lux will require a treatment time of 30 minutes, once or twice per day. Products delivering fewer lux will require longer treatment, sometimes up to two hours. To see maximum benefits from the therapy, it is best to place the box around eye level and no more than two feet from the face.

Does Verilux make regular lighting?

The company also manufactures LED floor lamps and desk lamps. This lighting is energy efficient, dimmable, has several color settings, and mimics outdoor light. Due to these features, this lighting does not strain the eyes as much as traditional indoor lights.

What replacement bulbs should be used?

Verilux manufactures replacement bulbs for the HappyLight as well as their floor and desk lamps. To keep your products in working condition, it is recommended to use only Verilux replacement products. The company also offers daylight-mimicking fluorescent bulbs for use around the home or office in place of regular light bulbs. These last up to 10,000 hours and are more energy efficient than traditional bulbs.