真正的 HEPA 空气净化器

Using an Air Purifier for Your Home

Air purifiers help to clean indoor air. Pollutants like dander, dust, and smoke are all contaminants that can prove harmful if not removed from your home. While all air purifiers clean the air, not all are effective in cleaning every type of pollutant. Read on to learn more about air purifiers and what to expect if you use one.

How does an air purifier work?

Air purifiers work to sanitize the air from toxins like allergens and similar contaminants. Different from simply using an air filter, air purifiers both remove and sanitize air particles.

The type of air purifier you choose will determine the specific particles you can remove from the air. Moreover, the methods a purifier uses for cleaning the air may differ by brand. While some versions use filters to trap air particles, other models neutralize airborne particles without needing to filter them first.

A HEPA or High-Efficiency Particulate Air purifier works by trapping all airborne contaminants using a HEPA filter. This type of filter is used for trapping microscopic particles like mold, pollen, dander, dust, and similar allergens. Other popular forms of air filters and purifiers include one-room air filters, battery-powered purifiers, and USB air purifiers.

Are air purifiers effective for cleaning the air?

Air purifiers are an effective way to remove a percentage of allergens and aggravating particles in the air. However, air purifiers won't remove every particle in your whole home, as they can't access particles that rest on surfaces like bedding, carpeting, furniture, or walls.

What particles do air purifiers target?

Using air purifiers in tandem with best practices for cleaning your home will reduce the presence of particles such as:

  • Allergens - Allergens like pet dander, dust mites, and pollen trigger adverse immune responses, resulting in allergic reactions. Air purifiers with filters are effective in trapping these types of airborne particles.
  • Mold - Indoor mold particles are dangerous for individuals with lung conditions or asthma. Air purifiers without filters work to a certain degree, but filtration is more effective in removing any mold particles in the air.
  • Smoke - Air purifiers equipped with filters can also remove any smoke floating in the air. While these purifiers won't rid your home of the smell completely, they are effective in cleaning the air in your home of tobacco smoke and smoke from local landscape fires.
  • Indoor toxins - Indoor toxins like leaked fumes from certain products can irritate your body. It's best to limit your usage of these products in addition to using an air purifier to remove any lingering particles.