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Stoney Point Vintage Hunting Duck Decoys

A successful waterfowl hunt involves using hunting equipment, such as Stoney Point duck decoys, to attract ducks flying overhead. Besides hunters, collectors like the vintage decoys made in the 1970s or 80s and signed by one of the original crafters, Raymond and Leonard Hornick. These realistic, lifesize decoys are created in a lathe factory in Oak Hall, Virginia, and come in kits and finished pieces. Moreover, many of the found brothers' original pattern pieces are still used. The Hornick brothers moved their operation from a garage to a factory in 1973. The Eastern Shore company makes approximately 15 species of ducks, 12 shorebirds, as well as other pieces, such as swans, producing roughly 75,000 decoys per year. You'll be able to find vintage hunting duck decoys along with newer carvings on eBay.

What Are the Most Popular Stoney Point Decoys?

One of the most recognized birds, these carvings are popular among collectors and hunters.

  • Mallard Drake: In the wild, the male mallard has an iridescent green head with a blend of gray, chestnut brown, and black in its body. When an artist captures these colors, the wooden versions looks lifelike so that real ones are fooled. Since most of these carved ducks measure 15 by 6.5 by 6.5 inches, hunters could cluster several in groups to attract birds to the ground. Plus, they are the perfect size for collectors to display on shelves.
  • Mallard Female: Not as colorful as the male but still attractive, the female Mallard has brown plumage with speckles of tan intermixed, and blue patches on her wings. A hunter would want to place both male and female decoys in the hunting area as the pair travels together and stays close to vegetation. You'll find vintage examples of the handpainted female wooden duck that should have some normal wear for its age but should not have a replaced head or evidence of major restoration.

What Features Should I Look For?

  • Autographed: Collectors seek signed duck decoy carvings by Raymond or Leonard Hornick as well as other signed vintage Stoney Point decoys. The signature appears on the bottom, and there should be a date and factory number as well.
  • Solid Wood: The factory carves the duck decoy shapes from a block of Eastern white pine. A minimal amount of hand carving and machine sanding is required. They are then passed on to artists who complete the detailed markings for each bird species.

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