Samsung Galaxy Tab S Tablets


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About Samsung Galaxy Tab S
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Compare Similar Models
Samsung Galaxy Tab S Tablet / eReader
Samsung Galaxy Tab S
Screen Size
Internal Storage
16/32 GB
1.3 GHz quad-core
3 GB
Rear Camera
8 MP
Front Camera
2.1 MP
Operating System
Android 4.4.2
Battery Capacity
7900 mAh

Samsung Galaxy Tab S

In July 2014, Samsung released the Galaxy Tab S, an updated addition to their Samsung Galaxy Tab series. The Samsung Galaxy Tab S comes equipped with a high-resolution screen, long-lasting battery, and more, making this Android device a good choice for your next tablet. It has an array of impressive specifications.

What sizes does the Samsung Galaxy Tab S come in?

The Galaxy Tab S tablet comes in two sizes: 8.4 inches and 10.5 inches. Although this Android device comes in two different sizes, the internal specifications between the two units are quite similar, allowing you to have the most functionality in whichever size Galaxy tablet that fits your needs and style.

What type of screen does the Galaxy Tab S have?

These Samsung products both come with Quad HD Super AMOLED screens that have a resolution of 2,560x1,600p. The density of the 8.4-inch and 10.5-inch models are 360 and 287 pixels per inch, respectively. These high-quality displays are bright, vibrant, and crisp, allowing you to browse the internet or stream Netflix, YouTube, or other services in high definition.

Can the Samsung Galaxy Tab S work as a phone?

These Android devices come in various models and while some of these models are only compatible with Wi-Fi networks, other models can support 3G and 4G LTE mobile networks in addition to Wi-Fi. With the addition of a SIM card, these models allow you to utilize your Galaxy tablet just as you would a smartphone. Also, this phone comes with both a front camera and a rear camera. The front-facing camera is 2.1 MP and the rear camera is 8 MP and has an autofocus feature as well as an LED flash. GPS and Bluetooth capabilities are also available.

What hardware do these Samsung tablets come with?

Depending on the model, the Samsung Galaxy Tab S comes with:

  • Storage: 16 GB or 32 GB of storage is included. These Samsung products also come with a microSD slot, which can support additional memory up to 128 GB, offering you plenty of storage space for all your computing needs.
  • Firmware: The Galaxy Tab S was originally released with Android's KitKat 4.2.2 operating system. Due to updates in the firmware, the Lollipop 5.0.2 system is available for all models, and the Marshmallow 6.0.1 operating system is available on most models.
  • CPU: Both the 8.4-inch and 10.5-inch Galaxy tablets come loaded with an Exynos 5 Octa CPU, which is a combination of a 1.9 GHz and a 1.3 GHz quad-core processor. During normal use, the Samsung product uses the slower of these units to conserve battery, but the second processor will kick in when needed to ensure fast speeds.
  • Battery: These Samsung Galaxy Tab models come packed with a 4,900 mAh battery in the 8.4-inch model and a 7,900 mAh battery in the larger 10.5-inch model.
Content provided for informational purposes only. eBay is not affiliated with or endorsed by Samsung.