Safavieh Rugs & Carpets


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Safavieh Rugs and Carpets

Safavieh is a leading worldwide manufacturer of luxury area rugs and carpets. Safavieh rugs show the great craftsmanship of classic Turkish area rugs and carpets, combining ages-old sensibilities, textures, patterns, and palettes with modern weaving techniques. Safavieh area rugs and carpets impart stateliness, elegance, and Old World charm to your decor.

Where are Safavieh area rugs and carpets made?

Safavieh makes its area rugs and carpets in Persia, India, Tibet, Nepal, China, and Pakistan. The company chooses the region according to that area's affinity for a particular type of weaving technique. A few weave types you may have heard of include:

  • Flat-weave: A woven pile that remains flat, similar to a tapestry.
  • Hand-knotted: A one-of-a-kind rug with a pile containing individually tied knots, made by hand on a loom. Hand-knotted rugs can take up to one year to construct.
  • Hand tufted/hooked: Created by using a hook to push material in and out of a backing that has a design printed on it.
  • Power loomed: Rugs made on advanced machines that replicate the details of antique Oriental rugs and carpets.
How do you clean a Safavieh rug or carpet?

It depends on the type of Safavieh area rug or carpet you have. Recommended cleaning regimens are enclosed on the underside of every Safavieh rug. The company suggests leaving this corner accessible so you can refer to the cleaning instructions as needed. However, if your rug does not have instructions on its underside, cleaning your rug is easy:

  • Combine a little mild detergent, white vinegar, and water.
  • Apply some of the resulting foam to the stained area using a clean cloth.
  • Use another damp, clean cloth to absorb any residue.
How do you stop a Safavieh wool rug from shedding?

New wool rugs, such as shag, are prone to shed. This consequence is unavoidable, and stems naturally from the way wool shag rugs are made. To minimize shedding:

  • Use a rug pad to reduce surface friction.
  • Vacuum your wool rug twice weekly using a low-pressure vacuum cleaner without beater bars.
  • Cut away stray loops with scissors. Do not pull them.
Does Safavieh make outdoor area rugs?

Safavieh has a full line of area rugs designed for indoor and outdoor use. These rugs are power-loomed, consisting of synthetic materials, such as polyester, polypropylene, and viscose. These materials are highly durable and help protect floors from wear and tear. They are also resistant to stains, shedding, and microbes.

How do you arrange Safavieh rugs and carpets?

Allow for 18 inches of exposed floor space around the perimeter of your Safavieh area rug or carpet. Alternatively, you may want to position your furnishings according to the size of your rug:

  • 5 x 8 area rugs: Keep furniture legs off the rug and the front of each furniture piece flush with the area rug's perimeter.
  • 8 x 10 area rugs: Position all front legs on the outer edges of the rug.
  • 9 x 12 area rugs: Position your furniture on the rug.
Content provided for informational purposes only. eBay is not affiliated with or endorsed by Safavieh.