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Use a Reformer Table for Your Pilate Exercise Routine

A reformer table is a staple of Pilates exercise equipment. The flat bed rolls on a carriage, and you can use it to promote muscle strength, flexibility, and general physical fitness. Knowing some of the types of new and used reformer tables eBay offers and their features can help you choose the model that suits your needs.

What are some features of reformer tables?

Pilates reformer tables include several features that can help you modify your home workouts or add exercises to your current fitness plan. Some of their main features include:

  • Elastic cords - Some reformers include elastic cords with varying degrees of resistance. You can use this equipment to build muscle and tone.
  • Adjustable rests - Pads for the head, feet, and arms usually feature thick foam for comfort and are adjustable to fit different users. You can see the manufacturer's site for details.
  • Elevated carriage - Some models include an elevated carriage that could help you perform advanced exercises.
Can you get a table as part of a set?

You might be able to find a reformer table that comes as part of a set. These tables may include accessories that come to you at no additional cost. Some common things you might find included with your table are:

  • Workout DVDs with digital instructors.
  • Instructional booklets or wall charts.
  • A cardio rebounder.
  • Extra workout bars to train strength and balance.
How do you maintain a reformer table?

The precise steps for taking care of your reformer table can vary from model to model. However, you should be able to use some of the tips below as general maintenance guides.

  • Inspection - Most manufacturer's will recommend that you check the device's springs on a weekly basis. Look for any gaps and replace the springs if you see any problems. Check for loose bolts and tighten them as necessary.
  • Cleaning - Use a damp cloth to clean the reformer's carriage, bars, and any rests for the shoulders and head. Note that you can put neoprene handles and straps in the washing machine. Wipe down the carriage tracks to clear them of dust.
Do different brands manufacture these tables?

You might have a preferred brand of exercise equipment in mind already. If you would like to search for specific brands, you can use eBay's refinement options to do so. You can find reformer tables from the following brands on eBay:

  • AeroPilates
  • PhysioRoom
  • Stamina
  • Reebok