
Motor Mounts for Volkswagen Beetle

The Volkswagen Beetle is one of the most iconic cars in history, with the original air-cooled version produced from 1938 to 1979. The Beetle was later reintroduced in 1998 and produced again until 2012. The many different changes in design and VW motor types can make it tricky to find motor mounts for a Volkswagen Beetle of any year.

How do you choose the right motor mount?

The first consideration that you have is whether you have the earlier engine, which was manufactured until 1979 or a later model. Volkswagen Beetles with an air-cooled motor have the engine in the back, whereas the later models have the motor in the front. The second consideration is whether you have an automatic or manual transmission. Both transmission types have different types of motor mounts. There are a number of different motors available for newer Beetles. They include the 1.8 T, 1.9 L, 2.0 L, 2.5 L, and modifications that take into account certain chassis numbers. The year, motor variation, and special chassis modifications must be taken into consideration when choosing replacement motor mounts. In some cases, two different part numbers are listed for the same year.

How do you know if your motor mount is bad?

The motor mount on your Beetle connects the motor to the frame and dampens the vibration of the motor. Typically, a bad or failing Volkswagen motor mount has obvious symptoms. Noises such as clanking, banging, clunking, and other unusual sounds can signal a bad motor mount. Excessive vibration from the motor can cause the entire vehicle to vibrate. If the motor can be moved around in the engine compartment, or the motor moves backwards when accelerating, it is a certain sign that the motor mounts need to be examined. A bad motor mount can cause the motor to be damaged from impact. Excessive motor movement can be dangerous.

Can you replace one Volkswagen motor mount at a time?

It is possible to replace only one motor mount at a time, but there are many reasons why you would want to do both on your vehicle. The first is that you will need to remove the engine to replace the motor mount. It is likely that both of the motor mounts have the same amount of wear on them. If one needs replaced, it is likely that the other one will soon need to be replaced as well. Removing the engine is a complicated process and requires access to special equipment. Therefore, it is wise to replace both motor mounts at the same time instead of taking the chance of having to do it again soon. VW Motor mounts are typically sold in sets of two. Therefore, it is more economical to replace them both at the same time, rather than having a part setting around unused. Motor mounts may cause increased vibration as they wear. Replacing both motor mounts at the same time will reduce engine movement and vibration, which will increase the lifespan of your motor.