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Build the Perfect Instrument With DIY Guitar Kits

Building your own guitar lets you choose the base of the instrument and all the parts and accessories you need. Both advanced players and beginners alike can build instruments from the ground up with the appropriate DIY guitar kits and other affordable accessories on eBay that can help you get started.

What comes in a kit?

DIY guitar kits come with a blank guitar that you can paint and customize based on your wishes or needs. Some of the accessories and items that come in those kits include the following:

  • Guitar body: The most important part of the instrument is the guitar itself. You can choose a kit that comes with a single or a double neck.
  • Strings: Most kits come with between five and seven strings. You'll also get instructions that show you how to string the guitar.
  • Frets: You may want to look for a kit that comes with frets too. The frets correspond to different notes and show you where to put your hand on the neck.
  • Strap: Some kits will come with a strap that attaches to the guitar at two different points. You can put the strap around your neck/body as you play the guitar.
Guitar templates versus guitar kits

Templates don't come with the instrument itself in them. Rather, they come with the patterns that you can use along with guitar kits to make the type of guitar that you want to build. The templates include individual pieces that serve as patterns. The pieces show you what size and shape you need to cut the wood to when making your guitar. A template should also come with full instructions. Guitar templates are ideal for those who want to make guitars from certain types of wood.

Are there any reasons to buy guitar part lots?

As you look for DIY guitar kits, you'll find some lots of accessories and parts too. These items come with multiple parts that came off of old guitars. You might get a fretboard and an effects pedal as well as some spare pieces. While you may not use all parts on the same guitar, you can use those pieces to make multiple instruments.

What types of guitars can you build?

DIY guitar kits let you build both acoustic and electric guitars. Electric models require a power source and an amp to use. You will also find kits that let you build bass guitars.