Google Pixel 2 XL 智能手机

About Google Pixel 2 XL
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Price Trends

Google Pixel 2 XL - Price New and Used

New Price*
from $338 to $445
Used Price*
from $202 to $224
Google Pixel 2 XL Price Trend Chart Large
*The average sold price is calculated based on "Buy It Now" items sold within the 90 day period described above (excluding shipping and handling). Each interval represents a 15 day period. There is no guarantee that items will always be listed at a price within the provided range.
Compare Similar Models
Google Pixel 2 XL Cell Phone
Google Pixel 2 XL
Operating System
Android 8.0.0 (Oreo)
Display size
6 inches
2880x1440 pixels
Main Camera
Front Camera
Internal Memory
64/128GB ROM, 4GB RAM
2.35 Ghz + 1.9 Ghz Octa-Core
Display Technology
Headphone Jack