Breyer Model Horses

Discovering the World of Collectible Breyer Horses for Sale

Maybe you grew up playing with Breyer model horses, or maybe you've just discovered them as an adult. Whether you simply enjoy collecting realistic horse models or participate in model horse shows, eBay has an impressive variety of new and vintage Breyer model horses to add to your growing collection.

The types of limited-edition Breyer model horses available on eBay

As any collector knows, limited-run items can be extremely difficult to find once the manufacturer sells out. Breyer has historically offered limited edition models in just about every size of model horse they make, from traditional, the largest size, to mini whinnies, the smallest size. If you're patient, you'll likely be able to find very rare Breyer horses for sale on eBay. Below are a few types of limited-edition Breyer model horses on eBay to look out for:

  • Breyerfest models. Each year, Breyer hosts Breyerfest, a large convention for those who love model horses. Attendees receive a special model designed just for Breyerfest. If you can't make it out to Breyerfest or if you just want a rare model, many of these special releases are among the collectible Breyer model horses.
  • Special holiday releases. Breyer often makes special models for Halloween, Christmas, and other special events. If you are someone who enjoys collecting especially rare models or vintage Breyer horses, you may be interested in these.
Are there vintage Breyer horses for sale?

Aside from limited-edition models, there are plenty of vintage Breyer horses on eBay. Of course, models that are still in their boxes command the highest prices. However, these models are especially rare. Additionally, a vintage model that had a very limited production line (like a special commemorative model, or one with a unique finish) is likely to add special value to your collection.

Custom models for the adventurous collector

Many model horse hobbyists collect and enjoy Breyer horses in their original finish. Some customize models. These custom-made models range from adding markings to refinishing the whole model. Some skilled hobbyists are even able to reposition the model by heating it, adjusting it, and letting it cool. If you are after a truly unique Breyer horse, you might be able to find several custom Breyer model horses for sale on eBay. Plus, if you are in the world of model horse shows, a one-of-a-kind model horse might be an eye-catching addition to your show stable. In some cases, you may even be able to ask a hobbyist to customize a model to your specifications.

Content provided for informational purposes only. eBay is not affiliated with or endorsed by Breyer.