
Automotive Diagnostic Software

Automotive diagnostic software serves as your sentinel against mysterious car problems. These digital tools keep you informed about the health of your car, and they are ready to tackle any issues. Many types of scanners use auto diagnostic software tools, including electrical system scanners, engine scanners, and chassis scanners.

What is the ODB protocol?

The Onboard Diagnostics (OBD) system gives your car the ability to report problems. Your late-model car has these sensors in place from front to rear, top to bottom. These monitor your engine, tires, transmission, electric system, suspension, and more. If problems appear, your sensory system swings into action and sends detailed fault codes to special connectors called digital interfaces. If you or your mechanic has a compatible fault code reader, you can uncover the cause of many common issues within seconds. The speed and accuracy of these software systems are one of the main benefits of this protocol.

Are there different types of diagnostic software?

Yes. The two basic types are OBD1 and OBD II. OBD1 is the older of the two and appears in cars made before 1997. Cars issued in the U.S. in 1997 and later have OBD II technology on board. European vehicles adopted the OBD2 protocol from 2001 on.

What are some benefits of OBD II technology?

These diagnostic tools help you and your car in hundreds of ways. Consider these common perks:

  • Auto diagnostic tools let you monitor your car’s systems over time and in real-time. This lets you perform routine repairs long before problems occur or intensify.
  • These systems give you tips about the state of your car’s sensory tools, allowing you to replace them before they stop working. Keeping these tools healthy keeps your major components healthy, too.
  • These tools also help you to avoid waste. In-depth data about fuel economy, oil/fluid levels, and battery health inform your decisions.
Are OBD tools interchangeable?

Not necessarily, because these diagnostic functions and systems evolve. What once worked on one car may not now work on another car. To avoid confusion between a device and your car, ensure that the tool and your car share the same OBD background. If your car follows the OBD2 system, use diagnostic testers that follow the same system. If your car uses OBD1, use tools from that era.

What is the difference between generic versus manufacturers fault codes?
  • Fault codes help you and your mechanic find car problems fast. The two basic varieties of fault code are generic and manufacturers. The two have much in common, but also have some key differences.
  • Generic fault codes carry the same meaning across vehicle types. For example, the generic fault code for a steering sensor is the same in all cars.
  • Manufacturers fault codes give you and your repair worker more details than the generic variety. Car makers use these types of trouble codes to give their dealers access to hundreds of extra codes and functions. This automotive software helps their technicians find car problems that baffle others.