A/C 和加热器控制适用于现代 Elantra

Hyundai Elantra AC and Heater Controls

It is amazing to think that once upon a time cars had no heating or air conditioning. Now, heat and cool air are aimed at different parts of the body to keep them cool or warm, and even seats can be heated up to keep everyone toasty. Your Hyundai Elantra AC and heater controls system is one that your car can live without, but why would you want it to?

When do you need a new heater and AC system?

You will know you need to get your Hyundai Elantra AC and heater controls replaced when you are no longer receiving hot or cool air from the system. Most systems need to have their refrigerant recharged at least once during their lifetime, but other components can fail.

  • The compressor: The compressor puts the refrigerant that cools the air under pressure. When it stops working, you may discover leaks of oil or refrigerant or funny noises. Often, the compressor simply refuses to work at all.
  • The condenser: The condenser cools down the hot gasses from the refrigerant until they become liquid. It is usually found in front of the radiator. It can also leak, and the fins or tubes that make it up can rust or corrode.
Do the heating and AC controls provide more than comfort?

You may remember back in the days when AC and heating were fairly primitive that you turned on the heat when your car’s engine started to overheat, even during the summer. That was because the heat blowing into your car’s interior drew heat away from the engine and cooled it off a bit. Conversely, you turned off the AC because that would make the engine heat faster, counterintuitive as that might have been. So, this is one other benefit the heating and AC has besides the comfort of driver and passengers.

Another benefit of heating and AC units is that they are made to be aesthetically pleasing, worlds away from the sliding toggles and uninspiring graphics of old systems.

Are Hyundai Elantra AC and heater controls easy to use?

Besides being attractive, the new systems for your Hyundai are easy and straightforward to use. Graphics tell you whether the air is being directed at your face, your face and your feet, or just your feet alone. Dials twist from blue to red to adjust the temperature until you are perfectly comfortable. Buttons allow you to choose whether the air comes in from the outside or circulates around the car and flows through the front or in the back. You can choose whether you want the regular AC or are interested in blasting the maximum AC and whether you want your seat warmed.

Most of the systems fit in a Hyundai Elantra GT vehicle made between 2010 and 2017.