A/C 和加热器控制 Geo Prizm

Geo Prizm A/C and Heater Controls

Chevrolet produced the Geo Prizm through three generations from 1990 to 2002. The Chevrolet Prizms specifications share some common parts between trim packages and generations. As a central component in the vehicles comfort level, the Geo Prizm A/C and heater controls should be included in the regular maintenance program.

Does a blown motor relay fuse indicate a serious problem?

The relay is a switch that is turned on when it receives a message to either circulate or limit power for the fans airflow. If its not functioning properly, it could cause a spike in the current and overwork the system. Thats why the system or the fuse, in this case, will shut down. Its protecting itself from damage. If the relay goes too long without servicing, it could potentially lead to serious electrical issues, such as melted wires or the relay itself.

Why would the Chevrolet Prizm blower motor just stop working?

There could be a couple of reasons why the Chevrolet Prizm fans blower quit working when you turned the control on. One consideration is the relay. If the current stops because its malfunctioning, then your Chevrolet Prizms A/C and heater blower is not going to function.

Another situation you might want to check is the resistor. The resistor blocks excess current from the electrical system. If the resistor has gone out, then your engine might have been zapped with too much current and destroyed the blower.

Is the 1991 Prizm A/C control compatible with the 2000?

The Chevrolet Prizm A/C and heater control assembly and cable kit offer compatibility for specific years. The same control assembly will work on the Chevrolet Prizm model years 1990 to 1992. It also fits both the sedan and hatchback. Likewise, the Prizms A/C and heater compatibility with the 2000 model car runs from the 1998 through 2000 Chevrolets.

What does a Geo Prizm A/C pressure switch do?

Your Geo models A/C pressure switch tracks both high and low ends of coolant pressure in the cars unit. You can tell when the switch might need replacing on your Prizm by noticing a few signs. Your air unit turning on and off quickly and by itself are two of them. Another indicator is the A/C compressor not engaging and your car not being cooled.

Maintaining your A/C units pressure switch should add longevity to the life of your unit. Your A/C unit can be damaged if the switch indicates its running too low, which is caused when there isnt enough oil for operation. If it is higher than it should be, the unit can overheat.

What are the symptoms of a failing blower control module?

The blower control module on your Chevrolet Prizm controls the air that is blown into the vehicle when you drive. If you notice that the cars fan runs without shutting off, you might need to replace the blower control. The fan should stop running once the required temperature is reached. The fan not running at all is another symptom as it can cause your vehicle to overheat. The blower not running at the appropriate speed also indicates that it needs attention.