A/C 压缩机和离合器适用于梅赛德斯-奔驰 ML350

Mercedes Benz ML350 A/C Compressor and Clutch

Since 2003, consumers have discovered the advantage of owning or leasing the ML350, a top Mercedes-Benz mid-sized SUV. Mercedes-Benz made significant advances in A/C technology parts in their ML350. One of the cherished advances for drivers was the list of upgrades that the Mercedes M-Class offered in the A/C system.

What are the important working parts of an A/C system?

In the first models of the ML350, the Mercedes M-Class advanced the A/C system to an environmental control unit. The concept of environmental control moved to a new generation with the ML350 models, even though the basic parts, such as the Mercedes Benz ML350 A/C compressor and clutch, were the same as those found in many vehicles. The components include:

  • The A/C compressor -- This is the central part of any A/C system. The purpose of the A/C compressor is to circulate a coolant under pressure that collects heat from the air.
  • A pulley -- This drives the clutch that is in continuous running mode off engine power. The environment control activates the clutch, allowing air to flow through the compressor where the refrigerant removes heat.
What advances in A/C did Mercedes use?

Before the Mercedes Benz M-class models came on the market, A/C units were slowly advancing from an on-off toggle system to a controlled environmental control where temperatures in the cabin were monitored through computer technology. Thus, environmental control ran by computer instead of manual control by humans.

How is the A/C system engaged?

In 2003, Mercedes Benz M-class vehicles introduced the concept of an automatic switch that activated and deactivated air access to the compressor based on a cabin thermostat. That means the AC engages or disengages the compressor based on thermostat control, not by human intervention. In a hot-air environment, the clutch will engage and disengage several times a minute, pushing air that is cool enough to counter the outer temperatures. With further advances, notably in the Mercedes Benz M-class luxury BlueTEC version, the A/C compressor works more quickly and gently, creating a stable cabin environment with less noise and fewer jumps from cold to warm air flow.

What symptoms indicate bad A/C components?

Several symptoms indicate bad or faulty A/C parts.

  • The first indication you will get of a faulty compressor or clutch is a rise in cabin temperature while driving through a warm climate. The rise in temperature could signal the need for new refrigerant. However, this rise in temperature normally indicates a hose leak, a computer malfunction, or a clutch problem.
  • If the problem is with the clutch, the next symptom will be a loud noise emanating from the clutch or pulley. These noises usually indicate a loss of a bearing within the clutch mechanism.
  • The final symptom is when no cool air comes from the vents into the cabin.