A/C 压缩机和离合器凯迪拉克 Eldorado

Cadillac Eldorado A/C Compressor and Clutch

You only need to take your car out once in hot weather to know how vital a properly working air conditioner can be. Without it, the heat can make driving your Cadillac Eldorado downright miserable, even if the vehicles a convertible. Two vital parts of the air conditioning system are the compressor and the clutch.

What do the A/C compressor and clutch do?

The A/C unit in a Cadillac Eldorado, like in most cars, is built around a compressor. This device pressurizes the unit’s refrigerant and pumps it through the system, which is powered by the Eldorado’s engine. The A/C clutch is a separate part that attaches to the compressor and controls how much power goes from the engine to the A/C unit. The clutch controls a pulley unit that transfers power to the compressor. This in turn powers the air conditioning system that pumps cool air into the Cadillac’s cabin.

How long do these Eldorado parts last?

Typically, both the compressor and the attached clutch will run for a considerable amount of time before they require repairs or need to be replaced. The factory units in cars like the Cadillac Eldorado can usually last 8-10 years. Proper care and maintenance are essential to ensure the longevity of both parts of the Cadillac’s A/C power plant, its clutch, and its compressor.

Two easy and effective things you can do to help your Cadillac’s A/C run well is to run the system only when necessary. Also, avoid going too long without using the A/C at all. Too much or too little use will lower the system’s lifespan and hasten the day when your Eldorado’s system will need to be repaired or replaced.

When should you replace the Eldorados clutch?

The first thing to check is whether the pulley connecting the system to the Cadillac’s motor or A/C unit is torn or broken. If either of these pulleys have failed, the car’s clutch will not work. The clutch will also be of little use if the compressor has failed. A good way to check if the Cadillac Eldorado’s compressor has failed is to check to see if its coils are dusty. If the model’s coils are clean, it is probably not the problem. If they are dirty, there is a good chance the Cadillac’s compressor needs to be replaced. If the A/C system runs and has good pressure, but does not put out cold air, the problem is with the compressor. If it is not getting power at all, the problem lies with the cars A/C clutch.